Dave Kranz creator of the WeFishASA podcast would like you to listen to this week’s podcast.
I start by interviewing Dan Johnston about fall patterns and how important the jig is.
Kevin Brannon brings us up to date on what he has goon on the west coast.
Then Jordan Lee talks about returning to BASS to fish the Elites.
Episode #385, Nov 8, 2023
Dave Kranz creator of the WeFishASA podcast wants you to listen to this week’s podcast. Dan Johnston talks learning how to use a bait before you give up on it.
Ken Duke editor of Fish Insider talks about the bass fishing world.
Jim Saric the musky hunter talk about big fish and where to look for them.
Thanks to Joe Bucher for the music for the show!
Episode #380, Oct 4th, 2023
Dave Kranz creator of the WeFishASA podcast would like you to listen to this week’s episode. Dan Johnston and I will talk about careers in the outdoors industry.
Dave Van Doorn from Take A Vet Fishing. Org will give us an update on that fine organization.
Then I talk with Christian Greico who just won the MLF Toyota series tournament on the Potomac River. Listen as he tells us the way he won and the challenges of a tough bite and bad weather.
Episode #377, Sept 13,2023
Dave Kranz creator of the WeFishASA podcast would like you to listen to this week’s episode.
– Zack Dalton Director of fly fishing sales from St Croix is going to talk about fly fishing for bass.
– Charlie Evans comes back on and tells us how the USA won the gold medal for Bass fishing.
– Joe Bucher not only talks Muskie but Pike, Redfish, White-bass and more! Listen to the music on the show that’s Joe Bucher too! Thanks for letting us use your music Joe.